15-year-olds score above average on creative thinking in PISA report

Belgium’s 15-year-olds show above-average creative thinking skills among OECD countries, analysis of a new PISA study showed on Tuesday. 

In its latest study, the OECD assessed teenagers’ ability to come up with original and effective responses to a series of problems or tasks. Both francophone and Flemish pupils scored 35 points, above the OECD average of 33, but there are big differences between the strongest and weakest. Pupils from socio-economically vulnerable families, pupils with a migration background and pupils with a different home language score significantly lower. 

PISA is a three-year study commissioned by the OECD to test mathematical and scientific literacy and reading skills among 15-year-olds in 81 countries and regions. In 2022, it also looked at creative thinking for the first time. 

"More educational quality is good for all pupils, but especially for the most vulnerable"

Of the 28 OECD countries that participated in the creative thinking study, only five scored significantly higher than Belgium: Singapore, South Korea, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Within Europe, no country scored significantly better.

“The PISA results should encourage us to continue with the education reforms we have been rolling out since 2019,” outgoing Flemish Education minister Ben Weyts said at a press conference. “More educational quality is good for all pupils, but especially for the most vulnerable.”

The research was carried out by UGent in Flanders and ULiège for Wallonia and Brussels.


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