Antwerp Airport receives new environmental permit with "strict conditions"

Antwerp Airport has been granted a new environmental permit, Flemish Environment minister Zuhal Demir announced on Tuesday evening. The permit, which is valid for an indefinite period, comes with "strict conditions".

By "strict conditions" Demir means "a ban on night flights, noise standards, the construction of a noise barrier and strict compliance with the targets set". It would also be possible to adjust the licence in the future if necessary.

In June, the airport's 20-year environmental permit expired. In July, the Regional Environmental Permitting Commission (GOVC) gave a conditional favourable opinion for the new permit, which had been applied for last year. Some 6,000 objections were received from local residents concerned about nuisance and pollution.

"Following the airport's application, the GOVC has decided that the airport can continue to operate under strict conditions," said Demir. "Additional measures will be taken to ensure the viability of the neighbourhood. Importantly, mechanisms will be put in place to ensure follow-up and support. This is not a carte blanche".

"This is not a carte blanche"

For example, Antwerp Airport will be closed at night from 23:00 to 07:00, opening half an hour later than before. The number of flights will be limited and the airport will have to build a noise barrier. A monitoring commission will ensure that the airport complies with these conditions.

Residents to appeal

However, the objecting residents are not satisfied and will appeal against the decision. They argue that the airport in Deurne is loss-making, polluting and completely unnecessary, with Brussels Airport only 30 minutes away.

"Of course, these measures against noise pollution and the ban on night flights are responses to real problems," Ruth-Marie Henckes of Doe Deurne Dicht (Close Down Deurne) told VRT NWS. "This is a positive step, but it does not address the root of the problem."


#FlandersNewsService | © BELGA PHOTO JONAS ROOSENS

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