Antwerp Pride announces 2024 theme: Many Voices. One Pride

The theme of Antwerp Pride for 2024 will be Many Voices. One Pride. The LGBTQIA+ festival will take to the streets from 7-11 August in a call for connection within and outside the community.
According to the organisation, the theme is "modular" and will return in different forms throughout Pride. "We will be working with slogans like Many Voices. One Protest for the human rights component, Many Voices. One Celebration for the festivities and Many Voices. One Parade for the crowd-puller of the event, the Pride Parade on Saturday," a spokesperson said.

Antwerp Pride is using this year's theme as a bridge within its own community and to spread awareness and garner support from outside.
"Within our community and among our allies, there are many different voices, each with their own emphasis on the struggle," said president Geert Van Praet. "Antwerp Pride exists to bring all these voices together once a year in a festive, positive, but meaningful way. Because only by connecting can we create a world where everyone can be who they are and where no one is left behind."
While the theme and event focus on celebration and progression, the community is concerned with the upcoming elections and what that could imply for policy change. The organisation is drawing attention to countries that have wavered in support of the community, such as Italy's stance on same-sex adoption and banned books in Hungary.
"Conservative or far-right parties are already in control in many countries, with all the consequences that that implies," said Van Praet. "We draw a clear line: the closet is closed. There is no going back! We call on everyone who supports the values of the rainbow community during Pride to support this line together."
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