Antwerp’s historic nautical commission revived with expanded role in industry and mediation
The nautical commission of the enterprise court in Antwerp, Naucom, has been revived after nearly disappearing. The 222-year-old institution, a key player in maritime legal expertise, is now expanding its focus beyond the shipping industry. "The broadening to other industrial sectors and modern forms of dispute handling such as mediation has begun," Naucom announced in a press release on Monday.
The commission traces its origins back to the early 19th century, shortly after the Antwerp Commercial Court was established under French rule. Independent experts were appointed to provide specialised knowledge to support the court in maritime cases. These experts formed the nautical commission, operating exclusively on behalf of the court.
"We do not provide expertise for the private sector, nor do we do consulting," explains Jeroen Weyn of Naucom. "We are neutral, independent, and only work at the request of the court."
By late 2023, the commission was on the brink of extinction. The demand for independent maritime experts had sharply declined due to fewer sea accidents, and many long-standing members were reaching retirement age. Finding new successors proved difficult.
Reviving tradition through expansion
"At the beginning of 2024, it looked like the commission would disappear from the scene altogether after 222 years," says Weyn. "Together with the court, we looked at how we could continue the tradition. For example, we are now expanding to broader industry and logistics."
The commission remains responsible for investigating port, maritime and inland waterway incidents, as well as legal disputes in the maritime sector. However, Naucom now aims to increase its role in mediation, providing alternative dispute resolution options.
While its core activities remain tied to Antwerp’s enterprise court, the commission also serves courts in Ghent, Ostend and Rotterdam.
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