Around 60 arrests in police operation at Brussels Midi station

Police arrested around 60 people in the area of Brussels Midi railway station on Saturday during an ongoing large-scale operation. ​ 

More than 100 police officers attended the station area on Saturday following complaints about safety issues and nuisance from residents and commuters. The police operation started at 10.00 on Saturday and will continue until the evening.

Most were arrested for being undocumented in Belgium. The Immigration Service was also at the station and will follow up on the cases.

The police action is part of a series of new measures announced on Friday by prime minister Alexander De Croo and minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden to improve the station's liveability and safety.

"After the cry for help from [rail operator] SNCB and the Brussels-Capital Region that they could no longer cope with the situation, we wanted to take visible action in the short term," said Verlinden. "In the long term, a sustainable approach to the problem is needed. Tackling poverty, housing, drug addiction, the deterioration of infrastructure: these are essential parts of the solution."



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