Competition authority investigates potential abuse of power by AB InBev

The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) has opened an investigation into multinational brewing company AB InBev following "serious indications" of abuse of its dominant position on the Belgian market. The case concerns sales conditions to wholesalers and the on-trade, the BCA said in a press release on Thursday.
Last year, De Tijd reported that the Federation of Belgian Beverage Retailers (FEBED) had filed a complaint with the BCA, alleging several breaches of Belgian and European competition rules by the Belgian-US-Brazilian brewing multinational AB InBev.
"The company is abusing its dominant position to expand its own distribution in Belgium and to develop its brands to the detriment of other parties. The consumer is the victim," said former FEBED director Guy Dewulf at the time.
After analysing the complaints, the BCA's auditor general found serious indications of possible infringements of competition rules concerning abuse of a dominant position and anti-competitive measures. The authority therefore decided to open an official investigation into the company.
AB InBev denies complaints
In response, AB InBev said that it has "the most flexible beverage purchasing contracts in Belgium" for the sale of its own beers to the on-trade and that it always acts in accordance with local legislation.
"The existing rebate system for beverage retailers was introduced in 2023 and was reviewed by the BCA before coming into force," it said in a statement. "We take this opportunity to share and substantiate our position with the BMA and will participate constructively in the review."
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