Belgians donate record 362m euros to charity

Belgians supported charities to the tune of 362.3 million euros during the 2023 tax year, the FPS Finance announced on Monday. This is a record amount. There were more donations declared in personal income tax in the previous year, but the total amount was lower.
In total, 1.036 million people in Belgium made a donation to a charity in the tax year 2023, slightly less than the 1.039 million a year earlier. The average amount was 350 euros, up from 337 euros a year earlier.
Donations of at least 40 euros to recognised charities offer a tax benefit. Of every 40 euros, the Belgian government pays 18 euros, or 45 per cent, to the donor. For 2023, the total amount returned by the Belgian state was 163 million euros.
King Philippe visits a homeless shelter run by the Red Cross in Brussels © BELGA PHOTO HATIM KAGHAT
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