Belgium advises against non-essential travel to Lebanon

The Belgian ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against non-essential travel to Lebanon due to the escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine. The Belgian embassy in the Lebanese capital Beirut is closely monitoring the situation in Israel and Gaza and its possible impact on Lebanon. Military operations are taking place daily in the areas close to the border between Israel and Lebanon.
Given the unpredictability of the situation, the ministry advises against non-essential travel to Lebanon. "All travel to the area south of the Litani River, a military zone, and to the southern districts of Beirut (Haret hreik, Ghobeiri, Chiyah, Sabra, Chatila and Tarek el-Jdida) is formally advised against. It is also recommended to avoid areas close to Palestinian refugee camps," it said on Tuesday.
"The security situation in Lebanon could deteriorate without warning."
Gatherings and demonstrations related to the situation in Israel and Gaza sometimes take place in various cities in Lebanon (Tripoli, Saida) and in several districts of Beirut, the ministry said. "The security situation in Lebanon could deteriorate without warning. In the event of a crisis, commercial transport out of the country and movement within the country may be restricted."
Belgians are advised to reconsider the need to travel to or stay in Lebanon. "While in Lebanon, pay greater attention to security factors and keep abreast of developments in the situation."
There have been regular incidents on the Israeli-Lebanese border in recent days, following terrorist attacks by the Islamist organisation Hamas and the Israeli army's counter-attacks on the Gaza Strip. This has raised fears of a further escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A pro-Palestinian protest in Beirut. © ANWAR AMRO / AFP