Belgium confirms extension of Covid-19 quarantine leave
A bill to temporarily extend a number of Covid measures and introduce other transitional and temporary measures related to economic unemployment was approved in the Chamber.
Specifically, the temporary unemployment scheme for force majeure is being extended to employees if their child is unable to go to daycare or school. Quarantine leave is also extended until 31 December.
The bill also provides for a transition from the temporary unemployment scheme to the classic scheme, between 1 July and 31 December.
The bill was tabled by the Francophone socialist PS party of Economy Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne and was approved by all ruling parties and the Francophone progressive-centrist Les Engagés party. The Flemish rightwing N-VA voted against, and Flemish far-right Vlaams Belang, leftist PTB and Francophone liberal DéFI abstained.