Belgium introduces more effective cervical cancer screening via HPV test
From January, women between the ages of 30 and 64 in Belgium will be invited for cervical cancer screening every five years, using an HPV test. The test will be performed on a smear and will be more effective than the current three-yearly cell examination.
Health ministers from different policy levels reached an agreement on new cervical cancer screening in late 2022. Until now, a three-yearly cytological examination was reimbursed by health insurance funds for all women aged 25 and older.
This will now be replaced for women aged 30 and older by a more effective HPV test that only has to be performed every five years. Screening by cytological examination will remain in effect for women between 25 and 30.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer. The new test will be performed in a laboratory on a smear of the cervix, which can be taken by either a GP or a gynaecologist.
While the traditional smear test looks for pre-cancerous cells, the HPV test looks for the presence of the virus. “We are choosing the most effective way of screening, based on scientific research,” outgoing Health minister Franck Vandenbroucke said on Thursday.
The federal government is funding the tests and Vandenbroucke has called on the regions to encourage women to undergo screenings.
Currently, 35.5 per cent of women in Flanders, 44 per cent in Brussels and 40 per cent in Wallonia do not have a smear test done. Reasons for not having the procedure carried out include trauma and negative experiences of testing.
Illustration © PHOTO SAUL LOEB / AFP
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