Belgium's Chaudfontaine chosen as official water of Paris Olympics

Water sourced and bottled in Chaudfontaine, Belgium, has been chosen as the official water of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. The plant in Liège province has produced 7.2 million additional bottles for the venues.

The Chaudfontaine site, which doesn’t normally distribute its products in France, was chosen for its proximity to Paris. “We’re one of the closest sources of natural mineral water,” said plant manager Achmed Boumrah. 

Chaudfontaine water will be distributed both to the public and to athletes, and there will be 700 water fountains at the Olympic sites, in addition to bottles sold in official shops.

The production site is also carbon-neutral, an important factor in commitments made by the Olympic partners to reduce carbon emissions. The aim is to halve the footprint of the London 2012 Games. The bottles were transported to Paris in lorries powered by biogas or hydrogen. The packaging, except for caps and labels, is made from 100 per cent recycled plastic.

The brand is owned by the Coca-Cola group and the plant employs 150 people.


Illustration shows bottles of water on the production line at the Chaudfontaine plant, March 2021 © BELGA PHOTO ERIC LALMAND

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