German-speaking community celebrations kick off on Saturday

Belgium's German-speaking community will kick off its annual carnival celebrations on Saturday in various locations in the east of the country.
The appointment of the carnival prince for 2024 in the town of Kelmis, also known by its French name Calamine, will mark the start of months of festivities culminating in Rosenmontag on 12 February.
The Kelmis carnival, first held in 1868, will see its 71st princely proclamation. Flanked by a jester, a treasurer and two pages, the prince will oversee the KeNeHeMo carnival, which unites the regions of Kelmis, Neu-Moresnet, Hergenrath and Moresnet. He will ensure a lively atmosphere throughout the carnival season.
On 11 November, the official start of the Rhineland Carnival, various events will take place in the province of Liège. Kelmis will dedicate this day to the Küschespektakel.
From November, costume parties will take place almost every weekend until the dawn of Rosenmontag on 12 February, when thousands of people will take to the streets in colourful floats and costumes.
The parade is typical of the Rhineland Carnival, which is awaiting recognition as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.
Rosenmontag celebrations in Kelmis in 2018 © BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE