Charleroi Airport cancels all departing flights on 22 October due to action security staff

Charleroi Airport has cancelled all departing flights for tomorrow, Tuesday 22 October, due to an action by security staff. Because of the lack of staff to ensure security operations, the safety of passengers and staff cannot be guaranteed, stated the airport. Arriving flights can take place.

There were 89 departing flights scheduled for Tuesday, accounting for about 16,000 passengers. ​ Passengers due to depart on that day will be contacted within the next few hours by their airline to book a new flight or get a refund.

A Charleroi Airport spokesperson noted that this week is already autumn holidays in French-speaking Belgium and a lot of flights are full or nearly full.

Concerning the arriving flights on Tuesday, travellers should check their airline's information. For example, it could be that airlines are diverting flights.

Tuesday's action is linked to that of 1 October, when the European trade union federations UNI Europa and Effat, together with Belgian unions, demonstrated in the European quarter in Brussels to demand respect, decent working conditions and fair wages for catering staff, cleaners and security guards. In a new pamphlet, the common union front complain that the employers don’t respect the social dialogue. “We've had enough,” they state.

Charleroi Airport stressed that it “will do its utmost to restart operations normally and safely from Wednesday 23 October”.


An empty departure hall at Charleroi Airport © BELGA PHOTO VIRGINIE LEFOUR

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