CO2 emissions in Flanders 9.5 per cent lower than in 2005
CO2 emissions in Flanders were 9.5 per cent lower in 2021 than in 2005, according to a new greenhouse gas inventory by Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir. To be in line with Flanders' climate plan, emissions should be 40 per cent lower by 2030.
Compared to 2005, CO2 emissions increased in both industry (+13 per cent) and agriculture (+8 per cent), and decreased in transport (-10 per cent), waste management (-28 per cent) and buildings (-20 per cent). Sectors covered by the emissions trading scheme, such as large companies, are not included in the national or regional figures.
Further major efforts will be needed to achieve a 40 per cent reduction by 2030. Demir does point out that a new package of measures was adopted in November 2021, the main impact of which is yet to be seen.
The Flemish government will update its energy and climate plan in the coming months based on the latest figures. The plan will then be included in Belgium's national energy and climate plan to be submitted to Europe.
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