De Wever hopes to form federal government by 20 September

De Wever wants a federal government in place by 20 September, when Belgium has to submit its budget programme to the European Commission. Full focus could then be put on the municipal elections.
De Wever has said he wants to form a federal government by 20 September. A striking date: by then, the European Commission expects Belgium to present a multi-year budget that aims to meet Europe's budgetary demands. The Belgian budget deficit is currently 4.4 per cent, way above the 3 per cent permitted by the EU. The country would have to save at least €23 billion over a 4 (or 7) year trajectory.
The deadline would also be good, according to De Wever, because the formation would then be completed before the local elections are held in October. He previously made it clear that he would like to stay on as mayor of Antwerp. Chairman of the Christian Democratic CD&V Sammy Mahdi, who is also sitting at the negotiating table, said that he, too, would prefer a federal government formation before the local elections.
De Wever was appointed formateur by the king on Wednesday morning. Late this weekend, the first draft texts to serve as a basis for negotiations would already be delivered to the coalition partners. From next week, negotiations could then really start. It remains to be seen, however, whether the other political parties will be rushed by De Wever's deadline.
N-VA Chairman and formateur Bart De Wever © BELGA PHOTO VIRGINIE LEFOUR