De Wever to provide first interim report on federal government formation

Bart De Wever will attend the Royal Palace on Wednesday evening to update the King on talks to form a federal government.

N-VA leader De Wever was named formateur on 10 July, after being given the green light by the five parties involved – N-VA, MR, Les Engagés, Vooruit and CD&V – to formally lead discussions on creating a coalition. 

Over the past two weeks, he has been drawing up notes for various thematic working groups. Some of those working groups have met several times to amend those texts. On Tuesday they discussed climate, healthcare and foreign policy, while on Wednesday they will discuss public enterprises, defence, energy and the economy.

The budget is the primary concern. Belgium faces an excessive deficit procedure by the European authorities and updated forecasts indicate that if policy remains unchanged, public deficit could reach 6.5 per cent of GDP by the end of the legislature. Vooruit, Les Engagés and CD&V intend to preserve the health budget, and Belgium will also have to increase its defence spending.

De Wever is expected to meet King Philippe at the palace on Wednesday at 19.00 to give his first interim report since being named formateur. His mandate may then be extended. It is hoped that a federal government can be in place by 20 September, in time to submit the national budget plan to the European Commission. 


King Philippe and N-VA leader Bart De Wever in Brussels, 10 July 2024 © BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK

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