Elections 2024: N-VA dominates Flanders as Open VLD and Groen face losses in provincial elections

Sunday’s local elections were not only about choosing mayors and municipal councils. Voters also had the chance to affect the composition of provincial councils. Here is an overview of the results across Flanders.

In Limburg, Christian democrats CD&V outperformed expectations by securing a majority in several municipalities. With 25.4 per cent of the vote, it retains its status as the leading party in the provincial council, with N-VA a close second.

The big winner in Limburg was the far-right Vlaams Belang, which increased its support by 5.6 per cent, making it the third-largest party in the council. Socialists Vooruit, in turn, experienced a decline in the province, in stark contrast to its overall performance elsewhere. Liberals Open VLD and green party Groen also faced losses, continuing their downward trend across Flanders.

Significant losses

In Antwerp, N-VA confirmed its position as the largest party in the provincial council with 32.9 per cent of the vote. Vlaams Belang in second, Vooruit in fourth and far-left PVDA in sixth also made notable gains, growing by 3.7, 3 and 2.8 per cent respectively.

CD&V, Groen and Open VLD suffered significant losses. CD&V, however, remains the third largest party in the province. 

West Flanders still proved to be a stronghold for CD&V, which maintained its position despite a slight decline. The N-VA continued as the second-largest party, closely followed by Vlaams Belang, which recorded notable growth of 5.5 per cent.

Vooruit also gained ground in the province, while Open VLD and Groen struggled to make an impact, reflecting their challenges in other regions.

East Flanders, traditionally a liberal stronghold, saw a dramatic decline for Open VLD, with the party now one of the smallest in the provincial council. The N-VA retained its status as the largest party and Vlaams Belang rose to second.

Vooruit recorded significant gains, while CD&V experienced a slight setback.

Intense competition

In Flemish Brabant, N-VA continues to lead, with CD&V holding onto second position. Both Vlaams Belang and Vooruit achieved good results, intensifying competition in the province.

However, Open VLD and Groen’s struggles persisted, reflecting the trends observed in other provinces.

Provincial councils manage issues such as provincial education, the construction of cycling and walking routes, nature parks and cultural centres.


​#FlandersNewsService | Open VLD leader Eva De Bleeker © BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK

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