Elections 2024: Vlaams Belang wins European elections, Open VLD loses seat

In the Flemish elections to the European Parliament, Vlaams Belang and N-VA both keep their three seats. PVDA wins its first Flemish seat, while Vooruit goes from one to two seats. Open VLD has lost one seat.
The results of the European elections in Belgium were announced shortly after 23.00 on Sunday, after the polls had closed in Italy. Unlike in the federal and regional elections, 16- and 17-year-olds were able to vote for their European representatives.
This led to slight changes in the election results. In Flanders, Vlaams Belang at 23.1 per cent ends up ahead of the N-VA at 22.2 per cent. They remain the largest parties in Flanders and retain three seats in the European Parliament.
This means that Tom Vandendriessche and Gerolf Annemans were re-elected for Vlaams Belang, with Barbara Bonte taking the third seat. In Europe, N-VA politicians Johan Van Overtveldt and Assita Kanko were re-elected and will be joined for the next five years by Kris Van Dijck.
Vooruit and PVDA win seats
Vooruit (12.7 per cent) and PVDA/PTB (8.1 per cent) were also winners on Sunday. The Flemish socialist party goes from one to two seats, with Kathleen Van Brempt and former party leader Bruno Tobback as MEPs. Former trade unionist Rudi Kennes was elected for the Marxist PVDA, becoming the party's first Flemish representative in Europe.
CD&V is the third largest party with 13.3 per cent of the vote and retains its two seats. Former Flemish minister Wouter Beke was elected with Liesbet Sommen. For Groen (9.7 per cent), Sara Matthieu keeps her seat.
As in the federal elections, Open VLD is the loser of the 2024 elections and loses a seat in the European Parliament. Only Hilde Vautmans will represent the party in Europe for the next five years.
Wilmès breaks record
In Wallonia, liberals MR (34.83 per cent) is the big winner, jumping from two to three seats. They will be represented by former prime minister Sophie Wilmès, Olivier Chastel and Benoît Cassart. Wilmès won more than 537,000 preferential votes, more than any Flemish candidate and setting a new Walloon record.
The PS gained two MEPs: former prime minister Elio Di Rupo and Estelle Ceulemans. Les Engagés sends Yvan Verougstraete to the European Parliament, and the PVDA/PTB sends Marc Botenga. Ecolo loses one seat and will only be represented by Saskia Bricmont.
In German-speaking Belgium, only one MEP could be elected. This seat went, as expected, to the CSP (Les Engagés) with 34.93 per cent, who will be represented by Pascal Arimont.
#FlandersNewsService | © BELGA PHOTO DIRK WAEM
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