Europe Day invites visitors to discover how the EU works
To mark Europe Day, several EU institutions will open to the public this weekend with a range of activities that let visitors look behind the scenes.
Europe celebrates Europe Day each year on 9 May, the day on which the Schuman Declaration was signed. This historical moment is seen as the first step towards the EU.
On Saturday, 6 May, the European Parliament in Brussels will open for tours, interactive presentations and family games. At the Council of the European Union, visitors can learn more about how EU countries work together, while simulation games let them experience what it's like to be a minister.
The European Commission will offers virtual tours, such as the VR Mine project and the award-winning Pollinator Park virtual reality experience, which shows what the world would look like without pollinating insects. There will also be more energetic activities, such as a cycling tour of Brussels to visit EU-funded projects. Interactive presentations will be available in French, Dutch, German, English and other languages.
At the European External Action Service, visitors can virtually travel around the globe and discover how the EU works to promote safety and fairness.
Many other institutions will open, including the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank. In addition, several member states will organise their own activities.