Europol fears growing use of AI tools by cybercriminals

Europol is concerned about the increasing use of AI tools by cybercriminals, the European policing agency says in the Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment released on Monday. Europol says the “right knowledge, tools and legislation” are needed to tackle the various threats.
The number of fraud cases caused by cybercrime continues to increase, says Europol in a new report. The often young perpetrators mainly target small and medium-sized companies, but also teenagers, and their methods are becoming more sophisticated. Technical possibilities are reducing the barriers for criminals and making it harder for law enforcement authorities to keep up.
Europol in particular warns of the possibilities provided by artificial intelligence. Deep fakes - real-looking fakes of image and sound - are used a lot. For example, voices are copied to make "shock calls" to relatives or friends to blackmail money or bank data, the study shows. AI is also used to distort videos or images showing the sexual abuse of children.
To effectively tackle the biggest threats, Europol says investigative agencies need the right knowledge, tools and legislation. “As criminals adapt, law enforcement agencies and policymakers must also innovate to stay ahead and exploit new and developing technologies,” it says.
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