Accessible Canon of Flanders launched in simplified language and audio format

On Tuesday, Flemish Education minister Ben Weyts (N-VA) presented a new version of the Canon of Flanders. The book has been rewritten in straightforward Dutch, and an audio version has been developed for people with visual impairments. French, German and English translations will follow soon.
Following the example of the Dutch Canon, the Flemish government decided to develop a Flemish Canon in 2019. An independent committee of experts selected 60 themes from more than 500 possible topics, covering politics, culture, archaeology, economics, science, ecology and sport.
After three years of work, the Canon of Flanders was presented to the public in May this year.
To make the Canon accessible to an even wider audience, an alternative version has now been written in straightforward Dutch in collaboration with Wablieft, the Centre for Clear Language. This version is designed to be easily understood by people with limited literacy skills and non-native speakers.
More translations to come
The Canon of Flanders Foundation will continue to work on other versions as translations into French, German and English are planned. Additional visual material, such as historical maps, will also be developed for teaching or integration courses.
The new version is available online. The website also offers an audio version for people with visual impairments. Some 25,000 copies of the original Canon of Flanders have been sold.
#FlandersNewsService | © BELGA PHOTO DIRK WAEM
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