Flemish and Scottish tourism bodies join forces with renewed cooperation agreement

Tourism bodies Visit Flanders and VisitScotland have signed a renewed cooperation agreement. Both organisations are committed to developing their respective tourist destinations in a responsible way, Visit Flanders said in a press release on Tuesday.
The bodies have been working together since 2017, with "great results in the field of inclusive and social tourism and the organisation of top events", Visit Flanders said. For example, Scotland benefited from Flanders' expertise when it launched and implemented the ScotSpirit Breaks initiative, following the example of Flanders' Everyone Deserves a Holiday campaign. VisitScotland provided expertise in the establishment of EventFlanders.
The agreement provides a new practical framework for further exchanges. The tourism vision Travel to Tomorrow developed by Visit Flanders and VisitScotland's Responsible Travel will be used as guidelines for these future exchanges. Events and inclusive tourism remain part of the renewed agreement, but there are also new areas of focus, such as measuring "thriving destinations" and making tourism CO2 neutral.
An exchange between Visit Flanders and VisitScotland will take place in Glasgow this month. Members of both organisations will meet at the Host Cities conference to discuss strategy for future events, impact measurement, sustainability and possible future collaboration.
#FlandersNewsService | Flemish Tourism minister Zuhal Demir © BELGA PHOTO DIRK WAEM
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