Flemish government negotiations between N-VA, CD&V and Vooruit officially launched

Negotiations between the parties N-VA, CD&V and Vooruit to form a Flemish government have officially started, with the appointment of a formateur. The current Finance and Budget minister, Matthias Diependaele, has been chosen to lead the talks, his party, N-VA, announced on Wednesday.

N-VA leader Bart De Wever, in his role as informateur, had previously held exploratory talks between the parties. With the appointment of a formateur, the Flemish government formation process is now in full swing.

On Tuesday, De Wever presented Vooruit and CD&V with an initial note on the direction of a possible government coalition. On Wednesday, both parties indicated that this note provided sufficient basis to launch negotiations.

De Wever will now hand over management of the Flemish government formation process to Diependaele. He will be assisted by Flemish ministers Zuhal Demir and Ben Weyts and MP Annick De Ridder.

In its announcement, the N-VA points out that the selection does not mean any advance on future positions. However, historically, the person appointed formateur has a good chance of becoming the next minister-president.


#FlandersNewsService | N-VA leader Bart De Wever (l) and formateur Matthias Diependaele (r) on 10 June © BELGA PHOTO DIRK WAEM

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