Formateur aims to involve national leaders to unblock Brussels government formation

French-speaking Brussels formateur David Leisterh, of the liberal MR party, plans to invite several national party leaders in the coming hours and days to discuss the formation of a Brussels government. According to Leisterh, “the Brussels problems transcend the regional level”.
The Brussels government negotiations are again in a deadlock. After many months, there was finally a breakthrough on the Dutch-speaking side when Groen, Vooruit, Open VLD and N-VA agreed to negotiate together. As a result, the socialists of PS dropped out on the French-speaking side, because they don't want to negotiate with the conservative N-VA. Leisterh tried to replace the PS with two other French-speaking parties, Défi and Ecolo, but Ecolo refused.
It’s however becoming increasingly clear that the Brussels budgetary reality is very precarious and will become even worse if there is no change of policy on the part of the regional government.
Rising debt ratio
Figures requested by Brussels MP Benjamin Dalle of CD&V show that the region's budget deficit will rise to 2.46 billion euros next year if current policies remain unchanged. The region’s debt ratio would rise to 265 per cent of revenue. Rating agency S&P will come out with a new report within two months, threatening Brussels' credit rating.
To force a breakthrough, Leisterh aims to involve the national party leaders of the French-speaking parties. “We call on all party leaders to assume their responsibilities, because the financial situation is dramatic and the challenges are great,” he said at a press conference. He pointed out that “the Brussels problems transcend the regional level”.
"We call on all party leaders to assume their responsibilities, because the financial situation is dramatic and the challenges are great"
He also wants a simplification of Brussels institutions, primarily the administrative apparatus, where mergers and rationalisations are needed. “Is it normal that one has to visit six or seven agencies to get a building permit?” he asked. In a second phase, more political reforms such as the merger of police zones and municipalities could be considered.
However, it seems unlikely that the PS will accept the invitation. “The interlocutor for the Brussels formation is Ahmed Laaouej and will remain so,” a spokesperson for the party told media platform BRUZZ. The first reaction of the leaders of Ecolo and Défi was also negative.
French-speaking Brussels formateur David Leisterh © BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK
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