French prosecutors investigate Le Pen's 2022 campaign finances

The Paris prosecutor’s office has launched a preliminary probe into allegations of illegal financing of Marine Le Pen’s 2022 presidential election campaign. The far-right figurehead invested around 11.5 million euros in a bid to beat Emmanuel Macron.

The probe was opened on 2 July after CNCCFP, the national commission in charge of scrutinising campaign finances, alerted the prosecutor’s office last year of irregularities in the funding of Le Pen’s campaign. The investigation will now look into allegations of embezzlement, forgery and fraud, as well as a candidate on an electoral campaign accepting a loan. 

As leader of the National Rally, Le Pen ran against Macron in the 2017 and 2022 presidential elections. In both races, CNCCFP rejected or objected to certain expenses. Le Pen and her party have previously denied wrongdoing in connection with campaign financing. 

In a separate case, Le Pen is to stand trial alongside 27 others over alleged misuse of European Union funds, charges Le Pen denies.



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