Involuntary admissions among children and adolescents on the rise

The number of involuntary admissions of children and adolescents has doubled in the last four years, according to the Flemish care umbrella organisation Zorgnet-Icuro. 

In 2023, 4,915 people were involuntarily admitted to psychiatric hospitals in Flanders, an average of 13.7 people per day. Last year, 14.4 out of every 100 admissions to psychiatric hospitals were involuntary.

When these figures are broken down by age group, opposite trends can be seen. Since 2022, there has been a slight decrease in involuntary admissions for adults, but an upward trend for children and adolescents. The number of minors admitted involuntarily more than doubled between 2019 and 2023, from 101 to 229.

According to Zorgnet-Icuro, this may be related to the increased incidence of so-called externalising disorders. These include problems with impulse control, substance use, alcohol, aggression, eating disorders, etc.

Results from Zorgnet-Icuro's Public Mental Health Monitor earlier this year showed that these disorders are on the rise. They begin before the age of 18 for half of young people and before the age of 13 for a quarter.

When young people with externalising disorders are in crisis and there is little accommodation available, compulsory admission is sometimes used as a last resort, says Zorgnet-Icuro. 


#FlandersNewsService | Sint-Alexius psychiatric centre in Grimbergen © BELGA PHOTO BRUNO FAHY

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