King Philippe advocates ‘new cohesive project’ for Belgium in National Day speech

In his annual speech in the run-up to the Belgian national holiday on 21 July, King Philippe has advocated using the 9 June election result “to outline a new cohesive project for our country”. This should result in better cooperation between the different political levels.

“While democracy is under pressure in many countries, it is holding firm here,” declared the king at the beginning of his speech. According to him, the election result “shows a possible rapprochement” ​ between both political parties and the different regions.

He advocated seizing that opportunity with both hands, to in the first place strengthen the economy. For instance by protecting the manufacturing industry, strengthening competitiveness and focusing on good cooperation between the public and private sectors.

King Philippe referred to the various crises of recent years. While he stressed that Belgium has on the whole gotten through well, he admitted that “that has inevitably entailed a considerable cost, which now results in an undeniable budgetary urgency”. The king argued that the necessary reforms should however not be at the expense of the quality of public services.

Finally, King Philippe discussed Belgium's successful presidency of the Council of the European Union and extolled the European narrative that ensures that “we can also have an impact on the global stage”.

“The next five years will be decisive for the future of Europe and of our country,” he said. “New opportunities present themselves to strengthen our security, our prosperity and the values on which our democratic society is built. Let us together seize these opportunities with both hands.”


King Philippe of Belgium during the recording of his annual television and radio speech on the occasion of the Belgian National day, celebrated on 21 July © BELGA PHOTO YVES HERMAN





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