Luxembourgers remain richest EU citizens, Belgians in sixth place

Luxembourgers retain their status as the wealthiest EU citizens. Their purchasing power in 2022 was more than 2.5 times higher than the EU-27 average, a Eurostat flash estimate showed on Monday. Belgium comes in sixth, with a GDP per inhabitant 21 per cent higher than the EU average.
Compared to the European average of 100, GDP per capita in terms of purchasing power was a whopping 161 per cent higher in Luxembourg, which largely thrives on its financial sector. According to statisticians, this is partly due to the fact that many people from neighbouring countries work in Luxembourg: their wages count towards the Luxembourg economy.
Ireland is not far behind Luxembourg (134 per cent above the EU average). The Irish are followed at a distance by Denmark (36 per cent above average), the Netherlands (30 per cent) and Austria (25 per cent). Belgium is good for sixth place, with a GDP per inhabitant 21 per cent higher than the EU average. The lowest scores were for Bulgaria (59 per cent of the average) and Slovakia (67 per cent).
The statistic says nothing about purchasing power at the national level but expresses which countries are richer or poorer within the EU.