Minister calls on insurers to cover legal assistance in domestic violence cases

The minister for Consumer Affairs and Equal Opportunities has called for the insurance sector to cover legal assistance in cases of domestic violence.
“If the sector does not come up with solutions itself, I will put it on the government’s table,” said Rob Beenders, of socialists Vooruit.
The Insurance Ombudsman previously raised the issue in 2022, following several cases of violence between partners or child abuse in which the victims were not covered because the perpetrator was also insured.
The legal logic that insurers apply is that both partners are covered by the policy, and the insurance therefore cannot be used for disputes between the two. However, this does not entitle victims to engage a pro bono lawyer.
The Ombudsman concluded that the position was legally “correct”, but she still thought it appropriate for the sector to seek a solution.
"I am counting on the sector to use common sense"
“I will invite the sector to discuss this problem,” said Beenders in a press release. “It is often a big step for victims to file a complaint, and if it turns out that they cannot count on insurance to cover the legal costs, then they are also punished financially. I am counting on the sector to use common sense.”
Federal police statistics show that 39,904 cases of domestic violence within couples were recorded in 2023., the professional organisation of the Flemish bar, has also expressed concern and is calling on the sector and policymakers to work urgently on a solution.
“Victims of domestic violence deserve not only protection from physical and psychological violence, but also a legal system that supports them when they need it most,” said chair Peter Callens in a press release. The legal profession is ready to work on a solution that strengthens the legal protection of victims, he said.
Minister for Consumer Protection, Social Fraud and Equal Opportunities Rob Beenders at the federal parliament in Brussels, 13 February 2025 © BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK
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