Passenger satisfaction with transport operator De Lijn nears all-time low

Passenger satisfaction with Flemish public transport company De Lijn has fallen below 60 per cent in 2023, close to the all-time low reached in 2020. Punctuality remains the biggest issue, according to measurements by market researcher Ipsos, commissioned by the Flemish Department of Mobility and Public Works.
Of the almost 5,000 passengers surveyed, 59.7 per cent gave a satisfaction score between 7 and 10 out of 10. This puts De Lijn close to its lowest point in 2020, when 58.5 per cent of passengers gave that score.
In 2023, passengers were most satisfied with the drivers, followed by routes and safety. Only 41 per cent are satisfied with punctuality. Respondents complain mainly about delays, especially during rush hours, and about missed trips. In 2023, around one in 40 trips were cancelled.
"On a daily basis, trips have to be cancelled because there is no driver or bus to make the trip"
"On a daily basis, trips have to be cancelled because there is no driver or bus to make the trip," said De Lijn CEO Ann Schoubs. "And the passengers notice." She referred to record traffic jams in 2023, which affected the flow of buses and trams, as well as "years of accumulated" maintenance and investment backlogs.
Next year's results could be even worse. The current survey predates the introduction of De Lijn's public transport reform at the beginning of 2024, which led to the removal of more than 3,000 bus stops across Flanders.
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