Port of Antwerp-Bruges CEO's position "untenable" after scathing letter from enterprises

A "damning" letter from the Flemish network of enterprises Voka Antwerpen-Waasland has shaken confidence in Jacques Vandermeiren's position as CEO of the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge. Political sources say his position has become "untenable", De Tijd writes on Wednesday.

The letter reveals a breach of trust between Vandermeiren and some key players in the port. The CEO is pushing ahead with the transition to hydrogen as a green fuel for the port. According to Voka, not all stakeholders agree with the way this transition is going and there is no opportunity for dialogue.

The letter states that Voka is repeatedly approached by business leaders from logistics and industrial players about Vandermeiren's reign: "We see the same pattern every time: a lack of real willingness to listen, a clinging to one's own rightness and a dogmatic attitude towards the goals and the path to be followed in the climate and energy transition."

Voka says it is sounding the alarm after a meeting last month between Vandermeiren and "senior representatives of the biggest players in our port" got out of hand and the business leaders felt "insulted". They are calling on Antwerp mayor Bart De Wever and port alderman Annick De Ridder to "take the appropriate measures".

Port community is "fed up"

Sources in the Antwerp political sphere have told De Tijd that Vandermeiren's position has become "untenable" because the port community is "completely fed up" with him. Rumours have resurfaced that alderman Koen Kennis (N-VA) could replace him.

Vandermeiren left the Belgian transmission system operator Elia in 2016 to join the Antwerp Port Authority. He has been in charge of the port of Antwerp-Bruges since 2022. The CEO has not seen the letter himself and could not comment on it.


#FlandersNewsService | PHOTO © YVES HERMAN / POOL / AFP

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