Residential care centres demand to lift restrictions on employability of student workers

The umbrella organisation of private residential care centres in Flanders, Vlozo, is asking the government to lift the restrictions on the employability of student workers in the care sector. There currently are limits on the time that youngsters can work as a student worker, thus with an advantageous status, in the care sector in Flanders.
Vlozo sees only advantages in the unlimited employability of student workers. In elderly care alone, four thousand extra employees are needed. So young workers are absolutely necessary, Vlozo argued. They also provide flexibility in the residential care centres, allowing permanent employees to take holidays and plan days off.
Last summer, about ten thousand youngsters had a holiday job in a Flemish residential care centre. That is the same number as during the summer of 2023. They work mainly as care providers [nursing students can start working as care providers after their first year], in cleaning and as kitchen help.
The sector organisation is also calling on students to opt for a student job in the care sector, not only during the holidays but also during the school year.
#FlandersNewsService | A male nurse measures the blood pressure of an older woman in a wheelchair © BELGA PHOTO Florian Gaertner/IMAGO