Sales of solar panels to individuals fall by almost half

In the first four months of 2024, Flemish individuals installed 16,600 new solar panels, reports Het Belang Van Limburg, based on figures from the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA). This is almost half as many as in the same period last year.
According to the agency, the drop is mainly due to the abolition of the Flemish subsidy for solar panels on 1 January, for both private individuals and companies. This led to a rush for solar panels in December 2023.
Another explanation lies in lower energy prices. Russia's invasion of Ukraine sent gas prices in Europe soaring, prompting many individuals to install solar panels. Now gas prices have come down again, reducing the need for alternative energy solutions.
The drop is limited to private households. Among businesses in Flanders, the number of new installations has increased by 20 per cent compared to the same period in 2023. They are taking advantage of the low cost of solar panels to reduce their energy bills.
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