Should Belgium ban Russian diamonds?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denounced the Belgian diamond trade with Russia during his speech to the Federal Parliament on Thursday. While Prime Minister De Croo says a trade ban would only harm Ukraine more, customers of Russia's Alrosa diamond mine favor it. They see merit in the Kimberley Process, a mechanism to stop the trade in blood diamonds.
Zelenskyy’s speech via video conference on Thursday afternoon marked the first time that the president of a country at war addressed the Federal Parliament, and the Chamber was packed with politicians.
As he did in his speeches to parliaments of other countries, Zelenskyy pleaded for a no-fly zone over his country. “Why wait any longer to establish a no-fly zone? We have the feeling that the Europeans are not brave enough to make this decision.” Nevertheless, the Ukrainian President was grateful for all the support provided by Belgium so far. But he was also cirtical, about the ongoing diamond trade with Russia.
“Are they thinking about money? About companies?” he wondered, denouncing the Russian diamonds that are still sold in Antwerp. “There are people for whom the diamonds sold in Antwerp are more important than the battle we are waging. Peace is worth much more than diamonds.”
The Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) did not comment on Zelenskyy's remarks during his speech in Parliament. But afterwards he did give an explanation. “Belgium does not oppose measures concerning the import of diamonds from Russia,” De Croo said.
“The sanctions are being worked out by the EU. To be clear: we are not against the EU introducing sanctions on diamonds. But for understandable reasons, the EU has chosen to concentrate the sanctions on sectors and products that hurt Russia the most. With a European and therefore Belgian import ban on diamonds, Russia can move to places lik Dubai, which means no inconvenience for Russia. Stopping the diamond trade would make the situation in Ukraine worse", De Croo claimed.
Last year, Russia exported USD 1.8 billion worth of diamonds to Antwerp, which is one of the world's most important processing centres. The export of polished diamonds from Belgium to Russia is no longer permitted. Although the revenues from diamonds largely disappear into the Russian state treasury via the state-owned company Alrosa, a ban is pointless according to the Belgian government.
Many Antwerp diamond dealers, who have been clients of the Russian diamond mine Alrosa for years, are now faced with a question of conscience. "How on earth is it possible that Russia is bombing innocent people?", they argue in the Belgian newspaper Gazet van Antwerpen.
"The Russian army destroys schools and hospitals. The images of refugees having to leave their homes and families behind have filled many people with awe." Moreover, the Indian diamond dealers believe in Jainism, a religion that forbids all violence. That is why some no longer want to keep quiet about the Antwerp-Russian diamond trade, "which is co-financing this war".
The diamond traders are in favour of a trade ban, but through the Kimberley Process, a mechanism to stop the trade in blood diamonds. They also believe that more pressure should be put on countries such as India and Dubai, which are currently eager to take over the trade in Russian diamonds. If the West refuses to import diamonds from these countries, the diamond traders say an embargo against Russia could make sense.
© BELGA PHOTO VIRGINIE LEFOUR: Prime Minister Alexander De Croo pictured during a plenary session of the Chamber at the Federal Parliament in Brussels, Thursday 31 March 2022.