Society impoverishment is a dangerous cocktail, warns Flemish Christian Labour Movement

The Flemish Christian Labour Movement "" (Movement, in English) warned that for several months now only one real theme has been discussed at public meetings in Belgium: the cost of life.
"After the Covid-19 pandemic, this is one drop too much for many people. At the moment, more than 400,000 people are unable to repay their loans and the number of people relying on food aid has risen sharply. In addition, more and more people are choosing not to travel and to drop concerts," remarked chairman Peter Wouters.
Wouters warned of a "dangerous cocktail".
"As a social movement we are already clear: for us there is an imbalance that needs to be eliminated. It is not possible that a large group of companies can make more and more profits while our government has to make extra expenditures and people can no longer manage with their income,” explained the chairman.
His speech was in tune with Rerum Novarum, a Christian labour movement and Catholic concept of supporting the needs of others, leading to empowerment and self-sufficiency. defended that a government must properly and fairly expand support for the poorest and "keep the contributions of the richest fairly high". "The time is ripe to make thorough adjustments against a collective impoverishment of society," Wouters concluded.
© BELGA PHOTO (KRISTOF VAN ACCOM) chairman Peter Wouters on the occasion of the Rerum Novarum event of the movement