Prison staff strike continues: 'Talks on overcrowding were in vain'
Talks between prison staff and the ministry of Justice have failed to end the ongoing strike in Belgian prisons, trade unions said on Thursday.
An open-ended strike has been taking place in Belgian prisons since Monday evening. Unions have been raising issues of overcrowding and staff shortages for years. The days-long torture of an inmate in the prison of Antwerp three weeks ago has brought the issue into sharper focus.
Talks between unions and Justice minister Paul Van Tigchelt resumed on Thursday, with both sides looking for a way out.
"If the minister does not want to press the pause button, there is no reason for the staff to press the pause button either"
According to Robby De Kaey of the socialist union, Van Tigchelt is refusing to agree to a moratorium on the implementation of shorter sentences, which prison staff are demanding in order to solve overcrowding.
"If the minister does not want to press the pause button, there is no reason for the staff to press the pause button either," De Kaey said.
Frank Conings, secretary of the ACV public service union, agreed. "The consultation on overcrowding was in vain. No additional measures have been announced."