White and Yellow Cross nurses to measure blood pressure and heart rate with face scan
Nurses from the White and Yellow Cross, the largest non-profit home care organisation in Flanders, will soon be able to measure patients' health parameters using their smartphones or tablets. The non-profit organisation presented the pilot project on Thursday.
Nurses will be able to measure health parameters such as blood pressure and heart rate using their smartphone or tablet. They have to point the camera of their smart device at the patient's face for 20 seconds, which saves a lot of time compared to traditional measurement methods.
"Not only does this free up time to spend more time with the patient and provide real care, but all the parameters are recorded directly and can be transferred to our digital care file," says Tamara Dewaele, head nurse at Wit-Gele Kruis Roeselare. The technology also reduces the risk of administrative errors, according to Dewaele.
While some White and Yellow Cross nurses have already been able to test the technology, the project is still being refined and developed. The White and Yellow Cross is currently investigating the conditions under which the technology can be used.
#FlandersNewsService | Photo: © mobco bv